About Vetjobs24

By vets for vets, practice managers, vet technicians and interns.

Our international job platform vetjobs24.com connects employers and employees in the veterinary field from all over the world.

vetjobs24.com is a brand of Hardenberg Consulting GmbH. The Hardenberg Consulting team fills positions for veterinarians worldwide in practices, clinics, the animal health industry and public veterinary services. The shared goal is future collaboration.

As an employee, you will find a wide range of opportunities here - wherever veterinarians, veterinary technicians and practice managers work. Discover the diverse career possibilities in veterinary medicine. Create your individual candidate profile, apply proactively or let employers reach out to you! Still studying and looking for an internship? vetjobs24 can also help you find the perfect position.

As a veterinary employer, you have the opportunity to attract motivated candidates with compelling job or internship offers and actively promote your vacancies. At the same time, you can find suitable candidates by browsing the available candidate profiles.

vetjobs24 - THE International Career Platform for Veterinary Professionals!
Here, veterinarians unite to connect employees and employers exclusively within the veterinary medicine field. Whether you're a veterinarian, practice manager, veterinary technician, or intern, discover your dream job worldwide. Or perhaps you're seeking your dream employee? Register here and post your job now!

vetjobs24 focuses exclusively on veterinary medicine and accommodates all forms of veterinary specialization and professional fields. Employees can find the job that best suits their aspirations! Employers can find the ideal candidate with the right qualifications.

Whether you are a generalist, a specialist, an entry-level professional, an intern or a senior executive, we cater to a wide spectrum of roles while maintaining a specialized focus.
Under the umbrella of Hardenberg Consulting, vetjobs24.com is part of a global veterinary network. We focus solely on jobs, with no product advertising, selling of other services, or dependencies.

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As a employer

Getting noticed

As an employer seeking for veterinarians, practice managers or veterinary technicians, you have the opportunity to become visible to motivated candidates and actively promote your vacancies with attractive job offers. Simultaneously, you can find suitable candidates by browsing through candidate profiles.

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As an employee

The diversity of your career opportunities

As an job seeker, you will encounter a wide range of opportunities - wherever veterinary expertise is needed. Uncover the variety of career opportunities available to you in the veterinary profession. Create your own unique and compelling candidate profile, apply proactively or simply await employers to reach out to you!

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About Vetjobs24

1.000€ Bonus für den Start in Dein neues Berufsleben!

Wir zahlen 1.000€ Start-Bonus an die Bewerber, die Ihre neue Stelle durch vetjobs24 bekommen haben.

Voraussetzungen: Kostenlose Registrierung bei vetjobs24, Vorlage des unterschriebenen Arbeitsvertrags, Bestätigung des Arbeitgebers, dass die Vermittlung durch vetjobs24 zustande gekommen ist.

Job offers

Recognition of licences to practise for
international applicants

Find the formalities in all German states here as downloads.

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German courses abroad for
international applicants

Here you can download information about German courses abroad.

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You can find free online courses to prepare for the level of knowledge exams for veterinarians from non-EC States at https://www.support4vetmed.de/

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Fachtierärztin (m/w/d) für Chirurgie der Kleintiere

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Quereinstieg: „Tierärztin (m/w/d) als Recruiter“

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licenciado o grado en veterinaria

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Diplomate Kleintier Radiologe

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Azubi zur/m TFA (m/w/d)

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Assistenztierarzt (m/w/d) im Bereich Kleintiere

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Engagierter Tierarzt (m/w/d) mit Schwerpunkt Anästhesie in der Kleintiermedizin

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Engagierter, ambitionierten Chirurgen (m/w/d) mit Erfahrung und Leidenschaft für komplexe Weichteilchirurgie und Osteosynthese

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Praktikant/-in für den Pferdebereich (m/w/d)

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Bewerben und 1.000 € Bonus erhalten

Los geht's: kostenlos registrieren, Stelle finden, Bestätigung des neuen Arbeitgebers einsenden und 1.000 € Startbonus erhalten! Gilt nicht für Praktikanten!

1.000 EUR Bonus
Career Corner

Die Jobmesse für Tiermedizin Nr. 1
vom 15. bis 17. Januar 2026 auf dem Leipziger Tierärztekongress

Die vetjobs24 CAREER CORNER ist mit rund 1.000 Besuchern und geplanten 50 Ausstellern die größte Jobmesse für Tiermedizin im deutschsprachigen Raum. Hier finden Tierärztinnen und Tierärzte mit ihren neuen potentiellen Arbeitgebern aus der Praxis/Klinik, der Industrie und dem Öffentlichem Dienst zusammen.

Mehr informationen hier